Roloe of Liquiubase property fille and it use case

There is a changesetmastfile.xml in the folder, when we do Liquibase validate or apply do we need to place and use the liquibaes property file explicitly in the the same folder where changeset file is there?

since I am not able to retreive the liquibase property file in the machine where liquibase installed, I had to place that file manually in the folder. then I see connection error is gone.

my questions are:

  1. Do we need compulsary liquibase property file in the folder where changeset file is there?
  2. Where we suppose to place this property file is it folder or agent or DB server? Please clarify
  3. Since property file is having host name , db name and credentials. here we apply at different types of envirounments right? how do we handle those liquibase property file for different envirounments and for DB management systems ?
  4. Do we need place this property file in the Azure repos when we integrate with Azure DevOps?
  5. which is best place to place this property file ?
  1. You are not required to supply a file (or defaults file) in order to run Liquibase. It is possible to supply all necessary parameter values through command line arguments, environment variables, and Java system properties.
  2. The defaults file needs to be on the same machine that Liquibase is running on. By default, Liquibase looks for the file in the current directory, but you can put the file in another directory and use the --defaults-file=<path to file> instead.
  3. If you want to put your host/db name/credentials in your properties file, you will need a different properties file for each environment. If you are supplying the parameters through command line args, env vars, or Java system props, you would need to specify those differently for each environment.
  4. So long as Liquibase is told where the file lives, you can put it anywhere.
  5. Again, the location is up to you. You have the flexibility to put it anywhere on the file system of the machine where Liquibase runs.