Liquibase property file usage

We use following Liquibase base command to perform changeset operations:

DO we need to have seperate liquibase property file? even we use below all parameters from command.

   liquibase --url="jdbc:$(db_type)://$(db_server_name)" `
                          --searchPath="$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\$(changeset_master_file_path)" `
                          --changeLogFile="changeset_master.xml" `
                          --username="$(account-id)" `
                          --password="$password" `

Liquibase properties file is optional. Parameters can be provided on command line as you have done.

Okay , I got it, is there any liquibase document mentioning it’s optional ? If yes please share it

@Kumar, this doc page covers Liquibase parameters, the different ways you can specify them and the precedence we observe when resolving parameter values. Implicit in this information is the optional nature of using a properties file. Liquibase Parameters

If that doesn’t satisfy your need the documentation has a pretty good search function. Best of luck!

What about do we need liquibase.checks-settings.conf file or not ? Please clarify and also Please share document for that

I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the documentation site’s search feature. Good luck!