I am trying to write new extension using Liquibase performing the following steps:
1-Download Liquibase core project and configure it using eclipse
2-Create new Java project called custom-Liquibase which is depending on Liquibase core project
3-Create the following hierarchy structure \liquibase-custom\src\liquibase\ext\Vacuum (Taking this example from liqubase extension) Adding the following files:
4- Create the following hierarchy structure liquibase-custom\src\liquibase\parser\core\xml
"tableName" />
5-create new custom jar from my project liquibase-custom.jar
6-Adding the following change sets to my mail changelog.xml
7-Run Liquibase in the following mode by adding the new liquibase-custom.jar to my classpath:
java -jar liquibase.jar --driver=org.postgresql.Driver --classpath=lib/postgresql-42.1.4.jar;lib/liquibase-custom.jar --changeLogFile=sdk/workspace/changelog/com/example/changelog.xml --url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/Demo1" --username=postgres --password=1234 update
8-I am getting the error :
Unexpected error running Liquibase: The prefix "vacuum" for element "vacuum:vacuum" is not bound.
I will be happy to know if I missing something in the above steps, or maybe I am not working properly in the way custom change should be written