Unable to rollback

I have the tag as shown below:
id | author | filename | dateexecuted | orderexecuted | exectype | md5sum | description | comments | tag | liquibase | contexts | labels | deployment_id


raw | includeAll | postgresql-stag3-update.sql | 2024-08-19 21:19:03.959063 | 1 | EXECUTED | 9:4e4bf538de0c6606341d6d072313ba40 | sql | | audittraildb16 | 4.29.1 | | | 4102343635

raw | includeAll | postgresql-stag3-update2.sql | 2024-08-19 21:33:19.940934 | 2 | EXECUTED | 9:d0693620247e82ad389dfcedbc574e55 | sql | | audittraildb162 | 4.29.1 | | | 4103199526

raw | includeAll | postgresql-stag3-update3.sql | 2024-08-19 22:11:02.525337 | 3 | EXECUTED | 9:761275a470fb08856cab00490aae1c1b | sql | | | 4.29.1 | | | 4105462412

(3 rows)

when I tried to run “liquibase rollback audittraildb162” to drop the created table.

it failed, there is no error in liquibase.log as shown below.

INFO: 0 changesets rolled back.
Logs saved to liquibase.log
Liquibase command ‘rollback’ was executed successfully.

Try “liquibase rollback-count 2” to see if that works.

Also set log-level=INFO and sql-log-level=INFO for more log output.

I set it up in liquibase.property with:
logLevel: INFO

after running the command, liquibase rollback-count 2, same result. see. the log below:

Starting Liquibase at 17:54:24 using Java 11.0.20 (version 4.29.1 #3316 built at 2024-07-30 20:15+0000)

[2024-08-21 17:54:24] INFO [liquibase.ui] Liquibase Version: 4.29.1

[2024-08-21 17:54:24] INFO [liquibase.ui] Liquibase Open Source 4.29.1 by Liquibase

[2024-08-21 17:54:24] INFO [liquibase.integration] Starting command execution.

[2024-08-21 17:54:24] WARNING [liquibase.configuration] Potentially ignored key(s) in file exists at path liquibase.properties

  • ‘sqlLogLevel’

[2024-08-21 17:54:30] INFO [liquibase.database] Set default schema name to public

[2024-08-21 17:54:32] INFO [liquibase.changelog] Reading from public.databasechangelog

[2024-08-21 17:54:32] INFO [liquibase.lockservice] Successfully acquired change log lock

[2024-08-21 17:54:32] INFO [liquibase.changelog] Reading from public.databasechangelog

[2024-08-21 17:54:32] INFO [liquibase.ui] INFO: 0 changesets rolled back.

[2024-08-21 17:54:32] INFO [liquibase.command] Rollback command completed successfully.

[2024-08-21 17:54:33] INFO [liquibase.lockservice] Successfully released change log lock

[2024-08-21 17:54:33] INFO [liquibase.command] Command execution complete

[2024-08-21 17:54:33] INFO [liquibase.ui] Logs saved to liquibase.log

[2024-08-21 17:54:33] INFO [liquibase.ui] Liquibase command ‘rollback-count’ was executed successfully.

Is your databasechangelog in public?


=> \dt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | databasechangelog | table | postgres
public | databasechangeloglock | table | postgres

not sure if there are any missing piece in my changelog-file, here is the content:

–liquibase formatted sql

–changeset author:1
CREATE TABLE myaudit (
id bigint NOT NULL,
companydomainname character varying(255),
ipaddress character varying(255)

–rollback drop table myaudit;

–changeset author.lastname:2
ALTER TABLE myaudit ADD COLUMN phone varchar(25);
–rollback ALTER TABLE myaudit DROP COLUMN phone;

Something is out of sync since your databasechangelog rows in the first post have “raw:includeAll” which indicates these are not being treated as “liquibase formatted sql” files. The file you are now showing have “author:1”.

Please now provide your master changelog file contents.