When I generate a sql output with the command mvn liquibase:updateSQL, it’s work fine. But in the file generated, there are the lines about DATABASECHANGELOG/DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK tables (insert,update,…) I want a file WITHOUT that because in my production env, I don’t want tables databasechangelog and databasechangelock tables.
Is there an option to export SQL without these lines ?
I have the same problem. My current workaround is to filter out these lines programmatically (I run liquibase from a Java program), but it would be much nicer if it was an option.
I would also like the ability to somehow inject comments in the generated SQL, perhaps by annotations in the changeset refactorings.
There would be a few ways to do it problematically. The tables are created by the CreateDatabaseChangeLogTableGenerator and CreateDatabaseChangeLogLockTableGenerator classes in liquibase.sqlgenerator.core. If you create an extension (liquibase.org/extensions) that override those classes with a generateSql() method that returns null, liquibase will never run any SQL related to the tables.