Where to get the current release of extensions - oracle in special?

Hello together,

when having a look at the sources of the liquibase-oracle extension on github , I can see that there have been changes in the last two months related to version 3.4.X of liquibase. As I am currently updating our tools I was delighted to see that.

Then I had a look at the releases page within github . The last release there has a own version 3.2 with support for liquibase 3.3. But it is older then the latest commits to the project itself. Moreover I want support for liquibase 3.4, which must exist as the commit statements make this obvious. So bad luck there.

So I had a look on the extensions page of liquibase, there the page for the oracle extension . No luck, even a older version. 3.0 instead of 3.2. Weird I thought this should be the first place to look.

So I asked google, the third rank is mvnrepository. There are also versions of the oracle extension , but only up to 3.2.

This brings me to the questions

  • Where is the right place to look for current versions of extensions?
  • Where to I get an official release of the oracle extension with

    support for liquibase 3.4?

And it brings me to the conclusion that the release process of extension would need a bit more attention.