Custom drop function

Im trying to create a custom rollback for an aggregated function in postgres.
The reason is that there is a bug in Liquibase that prevents it from droppen an aggregated function.

The command that I’m running is dropAll.

My changelog file:

    <changeSet author="klaus (generated)" id="1706465573317-317">
        <pro:createFunction functionName="sum" path="../objects/function/sum-756b1daf.sql" relativeToChangelogFile="true"/>
            DROP AGGREGATE dev.sum(boolean)

sql file:

CREATE AGGREGATE dev.sum(boolean) (
	SFUNC = sumboolmaj,
	STYPE = integer,
	FINALFUNC = sumboolfin,

-- rollback drop aggregate dev.sum(boolean);

console log error:
[2024-02-09 11:18:50] SEVERE [liquibase.command] Error occurred during dropAll: ERROR: “dev.sum” is an aggregate function
Hint: Use DROP AGGREGATE to drop aggregate functions. [Failed SQL: (0) DROP FUNCTION “dev”.“sum”]
It is possible that not all objects were dropped.

liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: ERROR: “dev.sum” is an aggregate function
Hint: Use DROP AGGREGATE to drop aggregate functions. [Failed SQL: (0) DROP FUNCTION “dev”.“sum”]

Since you are defining your changeset in XML, which implies that your sql file is not “Liquibase formatted sql”, your rollback also needs to be defined in XML, not in the sql file.

I don’t follow.

If I enable the rollback in XML it does not work.
If I enable it in the sql file that the XML points to, it also does not work.