includeAll ignores changesetid

when an includeAll tag is used it seems to ignore for sql based changeset.

– changeset author:changesetid

It inserts raw and includeAll in couple of the fields in the databasechangelog table.

Is this by design or an error ?

If this is by design we cant do a rollback without a changesetid embedded inside the changelogs isnt it ?


I have not had that issue and we run a mixed environment of .sql and .xml change sets. Let me take a look at our databasechangelog and I will find out how ours behaved.

This is the databasechangelog for a .sql changeset. Everything looks fine:

| 245-1           | ekolp        | schema/245.sql | 2021-12-14 16:43:20 |            40 | EXECUTED | 8:b30d18ec2014117ac8de44d51639d81b | sql                                                                                                                           |          | NULL | 3.8.6     | NULL     | NULL   | 9525453809    |

and the change set looked like this:

--liquibase formatted sql
--changeset ekolp:245-1

CREATE TABLE `ti_select` (

Here’s a full run output straight from our CI system:

[2022-04-28 22:49:43] INFO [liquibase.integration] No Liquibase Pro license key supplied. Please set liquibaseProLicenseKey on command line or in to use Liquibase Pro features.
Liquibase Community 4.9.1 by Liquibase
##   _     _             _ _                      ##
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##  | |    _  __ _ _   _ _| |__   __ _ ___  ___   ##
##  | |   | |/ _` | | | | | '_ \ / _` / __|/ _ \  ##
##  | |___| | (_| | |_| | | |_) | (_| \__ \  __/  ##
##  \_____/_|\__, |\__,_|_|_.__/ \__,_|___/\___|  ##
##              | |                               ##
##              |_|                               ##
##                                                ## 
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Starting Liquibase at 22:49:43 (version 4.9.1 #1978 built at 2022-03-28 19:39+0000)
[2022-04-28 22:49:45] INFO [liquibase.lockservice] Successfully acquired change log lock
[2022-04-28 22:49:45] INFO [liquibase.changelog] Reading resource: schema/221.xml
[2022-04-28 22:49:46] INFO [liquibase.changelog] Reading resource: schema/245.sql
[2022-04-28 22:49:46] INFO [liquibase.changelog] Reading resource: schema/269.xml
[2022-04-28 22:49:46] INFO [liquibase.changelog] Creating database history table with name: loyempty.DATABASECHANGELOG
[2022-04-28 22:49:46] INFO [liquibase.changelog] Reading from loyempty.DATABASECHANGELOG
[2022-04-28 22:49:46] INFO [liquibase.ext] Using percona toolkit: 3.3.1
Running Changeset: schema/221.xml::221-1::ekolp
[2022-04-28 22:49:46] INFO [liquibase.changelog] Index code_type_cust_card created
[2022-04-28 22:49:46] INFO [liquibase.changelog] ChangeSet schema/221.xml::221-1::ekolp ran successfully in 32ms
Running Changeset: schema/221.xml::221-2::ekolp
[2022-04-28 22:49:46] INFO [liquibase.changelog] Index PText dropped from table tablehere
[2022-04-28 22:49:46] INFO [liquibase.changelog] ChangeSet schema/221.xml::221-2::ekolp ran successfully in 23ms
Running Changeset: schema/245.sql::245-1::jmontanus
[2022-04-28 22:49:46] INFO [liquibase.changelog] Custom SQL executed
[2022-04-28 22:49:46] INFO [liquibase.changelog] ChangeSet schema/245.sql::245-1::ekolp ran successfully in 64ms
Running Changeset: schema/269.xml::269-1::ekolp
[2022-04-28 22:49:46] INFO [liquibase.changelog] Columns created_at(DATETIME) added to mc_fields
[2022-04-28 22:49:46] INFO [liquibase.changelog] ChangeSet schema/269.xml::269-1::ekolp ran successfully in 34ms
Running Changeset: schema/269.xml::269-2::ekolp
[2022-04-28 22:49:46] INFO [liquibase.changelog] Columns updated_at(TIMESTAMP) added to mcfields
[2022-04-28 22:49:46] INFO [liquibase.changelog] ChangeSet schema/269.xml::269-2::ekolp ran successfully in 36ms
[2022-04-28 22:49:46] INFO [liquibase.lockservice] Successfully released change log lock

| ID    | AUTHOR    | FILENAME       | DATEEXECUTED        | ORDEREXECUTED | EXECTYPE | MD5SUM                             | DESCRIPTION                                                  | COMMENTS | TAG  | LIQUIBASE | CONTEXTS | LABELS | DEPLOYMENT_ID |
| 221-1 | ekolp     | schema/221.xml | 2022-04-28 22:49:46 |             1 | EXECUTED | 8:6ff7d8168790ca6010d368c6a3bab9b7 | createIndex indexName=code_type_cust_card, tableName=linesum |          | NULL | 4.9.1     | NULL     | NULL   | 1186186303    |
| 221-2 | ekolp     | schema/221.xml | 2022-04-28 22:49:46 |             2 | EXECUTED | 8:4024edbd8d2d3b80194fa6dca0563b94 | dropIndex indexName=ProductCodeText, tableName=linesum       |          | NULL | 4.9.1     | NULL     | NULL   | 1186186303    |
| 245-1 | ekolp | schema/245.sql | 2022-04-28 22:49:46 |             3 | EXECUTED | 8:b30d18ec2014163ac8de44d21639d81b | sql                                                          |          | NULL | 4.9.1     | NULL     | NULL   | 1186186303    |
| 269-1 | ekolp    | schema/269.xml | 2022-04-28 22:49:46 |             4 | EXECUTED | 8:5c2b8fc35c6037942556440ec6df5e3a | addColumn tableName=mcfields                     |          | NULL | 4.9.1     | NULL     | NULL   | 1186186303    |
| 269-2 | ekolp    | schema/269.xml | 2022-04-28 22:49:46 |             5 | EXECUTED | 8:8043bf41dcee21541587916d1af3dbbd | addColumn tableName=mc_fields                     |          | NULL | 4.9.1     | NULL     | NULL   | 1186186303    |