Need help to setup liquibase for snowflake ,I am wondering if there is a way to include database and schema names with databasechangelog and lock table, This is needed because we have views/ procedures need to be created across multiple databases but databasechangelog table must be in specific schema and db.
I tried to change in
databaseChangeLogTableName: db1.schema.masterlog
databaseChangeLogLockTableName: db1.schema.masterloglock
then liquibase adding quotes around insert into “db1.schema.masterlog” , either i should have statement like “db1”.“schema”.“masterlog” or without quotes db1.schema.masterlog.
tried with these in properties , but liquibaseSchemaName only working, catalog name is not including
Hi @murali,
I had to deal with snowflake some time ago, if you give me a few days I will try the solution I had found again. You also need to setup snowflake.
I also interesting in this because Snowflake switches schemas after schema creation which leads to immediate fail of Liquibase script - it stops see the schema which holds databasechnagelog tables.