Snowflake Generate Changelog

Now i see snowflake is under liquibase supported db list, Does liquibase now support databasechangelog file creation for snowflake ?

I get following error when try to run log generation command : Unexpected error running Liquibase: liquibase.snapshot.InvalidExampleException: Found multiple catalog/schemas matching.

of course i’m using schema,db name in url abd as well liquibaseschemaname : schema also in properties.

Please realize me why i get this error.

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I have the exact same problem with 4.1.0 :frowning:

The only time i managed to go a bit further was when i tested with schema name that doesn’t exists in any other database. Which isn’t really a solution.

But they I got the following error: don’t know how to query for sequences on …

In your

define includeSchema true and includeCatalog. true and define default catalog and default schema
Ex i created a DEMO_DB and 2 catalogs:
Because you can have multiple catalog “DEMO_DB”.“PUBLIC”.“TABLE1”
schema: DEMO_DB:
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Found the same issue in this yet to be supported?

I’ve got it to run (liquibase --changelogFile=DDL.snowflake.sql diffChangeLog). However it only generates Table scripts - seems to ignore Views and Procedures
Documentation says it should do everything apart from functions (functions is only with Pro version)

Views and Procedures are not supported with generateChangeLog as of yet.