We were setup with the Liquibase docker on snowflake through GitHub Actions using the latest tag, shortly after the release of version 4.31 I started to notice that the FILENAME column was no longer storing the file path of the source file instead it was just showing the value “db.changelog-master.xml”.
I found this interesting but it was still working and deploying the code correctly as far as I could tell.
However a few days back we noticed that one file was getting reported as a duplicate even though it wasn’t actually deployed properly. We forced it to run by updating it to be a run on change = true to get around the problem. Shortly after that we found that it had actually even been skipping some items.
To correct the problem, we were forced to specify the previous 4.30 version tag in our configuration and also do some heavy testing as the rollback change caused liquibase to identify all the incorrectly deployed objects as never having been deployed and it required a re-run for all items with the incorrect FILENAME value.
We are using a XML configuration to specify individual source files to deploy specific schema targets that reference each change being deployed as a single SQL file with the liquibase header and unique changelog entries.