Liquibase connecting to Oracle ATP through maven plugin - problem

I’m trying to connect my maven for liquibase plugin to my Oracle ATP Database ( 19c).
I had that connection directly from liquibase and it works fine.
but thought properties file for Maven it throws error:

liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Connection could not be created to jdbc:oracle:thin:@rgatp28_high?TNS_ADMIN=Wallet_RGATP28 with driver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver. Błąd we-wy: could not resolve the connect identifier "rgatp28_high"

I had the same maven project pom.xml file configured for my local database and it works fine ( so I assume that it’s not Oracle drivers problem?)

My properties file for Maven for Oracle ATP is:

changeLogFile: db/changelog/changelog_version-3.2.h2.sql
url:  jdbc:oracle:thin:@rgatp28_high?TNS_ADMIN=Wallet_RGATP28
classpath: ojdbc8.jar

My pom.xml file:
<project xmlns=“













  <description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>














<!-- -->


















































      <!-- Liquibase plugin is used here to run any mvn:liquibase commands within maven -->












P.S I’m trying to figure it out through learning at “Liquibase CI/CD Process” university course"

Hi @rgrzegorczyk ,

When you say:

Does that mean liquibase on the command line works fine? Is Maven also running from the same system? It does sound like maven doesn’t like your JDBC path, if it works for localhost, but not your current, perhaps there is an escaping issue or a resolution issue.