Liquibase connectivity with apache doris

Hi Team,

I need to know if it’s possible to create a connection between Liquibase and Apache Doris. This connection is required for my current work use case. Could you please provide some guidance on this?

I attempted to connect Doris using MySQL connection details with Liquibase. Initially, I encountered issues because the SQL statements Liquibase uses to create its tables are different, and Doris does not support them. To work around this, I manually created the necessary tables. This allowed Liquibase to successfully create one table using changelog.sql.

However, when I enabled the Doris configuration property enable_insert_strict = true, Liquibase was unable to update partial columns of the DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table, resulting in an error.

Could you please advise if Liquibase is compatible with Apache Doris?
Looking forward to to hear from you soon.


Could you please suggest anything on this?

I don’t see it on the list of supported databases:

Hey daryldoak,

I had checked the list of supported databases and we are aware it doesnot support directly. But Will I be able to make connection indirectly using Mysql connection details or some other way?

We haven’t tested compatibility with Apache Doris and unfortunately can’t give you any guidance on if it will work and how to make it work. If you would like, you could submit a GitHub issue @ to request this support so others in the community with this need can chime in. Thanks!