I got the same error too. It looks like liquibase cannot find snakeyaml jar on the classpath for some reason. Another problem is that I need to explicitly set classpath for the driver. Placing the jar in the lib directory doesn’t help at all contrary to what readme.txt says.
You have to add the snakeyaml to the classpath if you are calling liquibase directly from java rather than using the batch or shell script. Same with the jdbc drivers, they should get picked up automatically from the lib dir, but only if you use the bat/sh script. I’ll take a look a the tar.gz version to make sure that is being packaged correctly.
Thanks Nathan, using the shell script solved this problem for me
I just had to give the +x permissions to the “liquibase” file to make it executable. The other thing is that I did not notice its a shell script initially because it did not have the .sh file extension (duh!).