Unexpected error ... '/liquibase/C' does not exist

I run below after navigating to C:\app\xiamb\product\liquibase>
I have a directory changelog under the above directory which has the liquibase property file.

Command line with run with administrator on powershell :

docker run --rm -v C:\app\xiamb\product\liquibase:\liquibase\changelog liquibase/liquibase --classpath=C:\app\xiamb\product\liquibase\lib\ojdbc8.jar --url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@ --changeLogFile=changelog/sample.changelog.xml update

Error message :
Unexpected error running Liquibase: ‘/liquibase/C’ does not exist

Environment : Windows 10 running docker

What am I missing or doing incorrectly ?

thank you

Hi @mohsink ,

I am basing my response off of this how-to article. perhaps you are missing the front / before changelog in your --changeLogFile argument?

Maybe should be:
–changeLogFile=/changelog/sample.changelog.xml update

I also ran into this issue.

Check if you are using Windows style paths, the Docker container is running on a Linux system and will not be able to resolve the path.

I am instantiating the Docker container with the --defaultsFile option to point to a liquibase.properties file.

In my properties file, I was using a Windows style path:

# liquibase.properties
classpath: C:\Git\my_project\ojdbc8.jar

However, that resulted in:

Error parsing command line: /liquibase/"C does not exist

When I removed it, the issue was resolved.

Apparently, the ojdvbc8.jar is already included in the Docker image.