How we can deploy the same scripts in multiple database

Can anyone help me how we can deploy our changes in multiple databases (like in Dev environment and in UAT Environment) by using single Liquibase command.

Hi @Madhawatul

I’m not sure but are you looking for something like this : set up Liquibase with an Existing Project and Multiple Environments

Here the change would only be in the contexts. Either we could provide same contexts for both environments or not provide one at all. I haven’t tried out this, but thought of sharing this link with you.

Rakhi Agrawal

I think I am missing something. If I have 3 environments: dev, stage, and prod, how do I configure my properties file? The liquibase properties file seems like it only supports 2 URLs, one for source and one for target. What would be considered the source url and where do the dev, stage, and prod URLs go?

Correct, if you have 3 URL then you can’t put URL into a common properties file.

I see 2 good options (there are probably other ways also):

  1. You can put all of the non-changing parameters into a common properties file, and then provide the appropriate URL for the environment at runtime.

  2. You can create 3 distinct properties file, one per environment.