OperationTimedOutException when connecting to cassandra

I am getting the following exception when using liquibase-cassandra.

by: java.sql.SQLException: [Simba][CassandraJDBCDriver](500211) ERROR Invalid query: TRUNCATE demo.DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK, Cause: com.simba.cassandra.shaded.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.OperationTimedOutException: [localhost/] Timed out waiting for server response.
	at com.simba.cassandra.cassandra.dataengine.utils.CDBJDBCUtils.executeQuery(Unknown Source) ~[CassandraJDBC42.jar:na]
	at com.simba.cassandra.cassandra.dataengine.CDBJDBCQueryExecutor.execute(Unknown Source) ~[CassandraJDBC42.jar:na]

Any inputs appreciated.


@santoshtrip I see that you :+1: the comment on LB-2095: Custom change log and -lock tables with keyspace issue by denyskonakhevych · Pull Request #106 · liquibase/liquibase-cassandra · GitHub from @lanevska “I believe a key here is to put the line: Class.forName(“com.simba.cassandra.jdbc42.Driver”); Without registering the driver it won’t work.”

Did you try that on your end? Did it help?


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oh and @santoshtrip thought of you when I saw this today: Call For Proposals (CFP) | Linux Foundation Events

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@ktaggart Thanks much for the reply.Yes, My issue got resolved by registering the driver.Thanks for the event link as well.
I will take a look.


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