Liquibase Community,
I want to provide a quick update on the promise I made near the end of last year about maintaining a healthier update cadence to the Liquibase project. The Datical leadership team remains committed to this goal as well, and after getting some time in the new year to look into some of the open pull requests, I’m excited to share what’s next.
Right now, my plan is to have a 3.5.4 release out in the few days which will include Java 9 Support along with a number of bug fixes. I know that Java 9 has long been anticipated by the community, and is a meaningful step forward for the project. The release notes will detail the specifics in greater detail.
To follow on, sometime in February, I’m planning a 3.6 release. There is still some work on my end to figure out exactly what will be a part of 3.6 release, but after going through all the pull requests against Liquibase, it’s clear that there’s enough substance to warrant a 3.6 release as soon as possible as well.
I’m looking forward to a investing more of my time this year into Liquibase and am proud of the strong and engaged community that has formed around this project. If you have interest in stepping up to help commit changes and more actively assist me in maintaining the project, please let me know. I don’t want to be a bottleneck to progress on this project, and I welcome your help.
Thanks, and Happy 2018!