Why Does Liquibase forcefully reorg the table after altering

We are using Liquibase with Db2 LUW 10.5.  We notice that after every alter table, Liquibase automatically reorgs a table.  Reorging a table is not required in many cases.  Is there a way to turn off automatic reorg of a table.

Hi Ravi Krishna,

I guess Liquibase is just going on the save side and reorg after each change that may put a table in a reorg pending state, as DB2s unique behavior with reorgs is quiet annoying.

As for your question there is a property you can set to prevent Liquibase from firing those reorg statements. It is tied to the ReorganizeTableGeneratorDB2 class and called “autoReorg”. You may put that one in your liquibase.properties and no reorg will be fired altogether.

However you will have to manage reorgs completely on your own and in plain Sql as there is no ReorgTable-Change in Liquibase (and even if it is, there s currently no way to distinguish between manual and automatic reorgs).

kind regards
