How to create changeset for postgres function and table update in the same function

Hello dear community
I am new to Liquibase, using version 4.30 (pro).
I created the changlog using generate-changelog and would like now to push the first change into the system.
The change i plan will alter existing function using CREATE OR REPLACE function as well as UPDATE value in a Table. the steps will run one after the other.

  1. What is the recommended way to create the changeset ?
  2. what is a better approach? using formatted SQL with all the steps separated by “;” or - use the changeset type createFunction with (replaceIfExists=true) - in this case where do i store the sql command?

Hi @boaz.goldstein,

If you are using a Liquibase PRO version, I would encourage you to contact our support team here to get a faster assistance.
