Oracle Wallet Reference

Hi there,

  Can anyone please advise how to reference an Oracle wallet to connect instead of username & password in Liquibase command or Properties file ?

I have an Oracle wallet configured but just wondering how I could use it to connect.




I realise this question was posted three years ago but I found it while looking to do the same thing myself. I have managed to solve it myself too and would like to share the solution in case it’s useful for someone else.

I have an Oracle 12.1 database with a user named LIQUIBASE. The credentials for that user are in a Secure External Password Store (wallet). I want Liquibase to be able to connect to the DB using the username and password from the wallet. I am running Liquibase Community 4.4.3 on Linux.

You need JDBC driver version 18.3 or above for this to work the way I did. I used version 19.11 and downloaded ojdbc8-full.tar.gz from Oracle Database 19c (19.11) JDBC Driver page, because my Linux server has Java 8. I extracted the following from it and copied to the Liquibase lib directory:


/app/liquibase-4.4.3/tns_admin/tnsnames.ora contains an entry and connect string for MYDB. No sqlnet.ora is required.
/app/liquibase-4.4.3/wallet directory contains the wallet with a credential for MYDB.

I then use the following URL to connect to the DB via the wallet:

