Unable to Connect ADW using wallet file

Hi Team,
I am unable to connect to ADW using wallet file, while I am able to connect to using Java KeyStore. as per the ADW connectivity documentation we can connect to ADW using both wallet and Java key store.
I am sharing the code snippet provided below, can anyone help me here.
liquibase --search-path={changelog_file_path} --changelog-file=test_changelog.sql --url=“jdbc:oracle:thin:@{db_name}?TNS_ADMIN={wallet_path}” --username={username} --password={password}
ERROR: Exception Details
ERROR: Exception Primary Class: NoSuchAlgorithmException
ERROR: Exception Primary Reason: SSO KeyStore not available
ERROR: Exception Primary Source: 4.27.0

Unexpected error running Liquibase: Connection could not be created to jdbc:oracle:thin:@?TNS_ADMIN= with driver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver. IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection

    • Caused by: Unable to initialize ssl context.*
    • Caused by: Unable to initialize the key store.*
    • Caused by: SSO not found*
    • Caused by: SSO KeyStore not available*

Do you have your unzipped wallet files at the wallet_path?

You also need these, which I dowlnload using the Liquibase Package Manager:

  • oracle-oraclepki
  • oracle-osdt_cert
  • oracle-osdt_core

Hi @daryldoak ,
Thanks for your reply.
I confirm unzipped wallet files at the wallet_path, I have installed below libraries using package manager , but no luck , I am getting the same issue while connecting ADW using wallet file.

Unexpected error running Liquibase: Connection could not be created to jdbc:oracle:thin:@adwlearning_low?TNS_ADMIN=Wallet_adwlearning with driver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver. IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection

    • Caused by: Unable to initialize ssl context.*
    • Caused by: Unable to initialize the key store.*
    • Caused by: SSO not found*


Is this your wallet_path?

TNS_ADMIN=Wallet_adwlearning with driver

I’m pretty sure that cannot/should not contain spaces.

Hi @daryldoak ,
No my wallet path is Wallet_adwlearning folder, compelte url is jdbc:oracle:thin:@adwlearning_low?TNS_ADMIN=Wallet_adwlearning .